A new parameter ?srsltid= was noticed in Google Search Results

Google has started adding the ?srsltid= parameter to website URLs. The problem was noticed several days ago. For common results for ecommerce topics Google may add additional parameter and users will go on absolutely different page. May be you already noticed this issue too. If not, try to export serp urls for any ecommerce query with Devaka Tools Bookmarklet or just analyze them manually.

You can try such a query to find 600k+ currently indexed pages by Google:

inurl:srsltid -intext:srsltid

Previously, Google used this parameter for websites in the Merchant Center for automatic product tagging so that webmasters could use this data in Google Analytics.

Now, something has broken, and Google is also adding these parameters with srsltid to organic search results. This is likely only for websites that are present in the Merchant Center.

Other publications about srsltid

Topics have already started appearing in the Google Help Center (on Aug 1).

And on Reddit platform (on Aug 2):

Brokie Clark also noticed the issue and described it on his LinkedIn (1 week ago)

Some related problems

  1. Some websites may not support dynamic parameters, and users may not be able to access the content when clicking search results with srsltid parameter.
  2. In the absence of a rel=canonical setting, pages may be additionally indexed as duplicates. And already indexed. More than 600k pages was found in Google Index with the new parameter.
  3. Position tracking services will show a change in the relevant page and a high level of volatility in the search results (since URLs are being analyzed).

Example of volatility from SEMRush Sensor over the past 3 days.

If you’ll notice srsltid in your urls, don’t worry. It’s common problem now. But make sure you are using canonicals tags on your website to avoid appearing duplicates.


15 responses to “A new parameter ?srsltid= was noticed in Google Search Results”

  1. По запросу “site:” в индексе все страницы с srsltid, так и не понятно это дубли или не… ? Нужно ли закрывать их от индексации в роботс?
    Каноникал настроено, hreflang формируется тоже с подстановкой srsltid.

    1. This is not necessarily duplicates for now. But I would recommend to use rel=canonical. Because google can index these urls (and already do for some of sites). If canonical already in use no reasons to worry.
      Blocking these urls in robots.txt is not a good idea I think. Try to analyze your urls in Google Search Console to understand more how Google handle them for your website.

      1. why blocking robots.txt is not a good idea?

        1. Because we don’t know how google will handle it, not having access to these pages. John Mueller also recommended to use canonicals. See in Barry Schwartz post on SE RoundTable.

  2. У меня тоже такая же беда – каноны стоят все ок , но начали сыпаться куча страниц с этим параметром в выдаче, при чем их в индексе по прямому запросу и по консоли – нету, обычный украинский ИМ

  3. […] Další články k tématu: Google Search Showing srsltid URL Parameters From Merchant Center (seroundtable.com) a his blog (devakatalk.com) […]

  4. Same thing for several projects, inc https://graming.com Wired, but found srsltid in URL of blog pages.
    Markup was double checked, its article only. Products markup still on his place

  5. It is annoying. It took me hours to find the reason and I finally got your blog. This is happening only with those websites that have Merchant Center Integrated (eCom Sites).
    I already put a Canonical tag but this can’t be the permanent solution I guess. Google needs to fix this ASAP

  6. Thank you for sharing this. Encountered the issue today too and your article was good to know that “nothing is wrong with me, it’s them”.

  7. If you leave auto-tagging enabled, then your Analytics reports categorize Merchant Center traffic with the following dimension values:

    Source platform: Shopping Free Listings
    Source: Google
    Medium: Organic
    Campaign: Shopping Free Listings
    Default Channel Group: Organic Shopping
    These dimension values let you see how many of your users, sessions, and events originated from Google Merchant Center organic-search clicks, along with the number of clicks, the number of key events, and the total revenue that you can attribute to organic-search clicks.

    The srsltid parameter is appended to links generated by Google Merchant Center in organic shopping results (e.g.,https://www.etechbuy.com/72c71aa-abu/542052156.html?srsltid=AfmBOoqPa1XQZajOpl7-lWcd-6GJ2u5LGoeoOfrBE2doEv_bokRq8yUSchQ&srsltid=AfmBOop6LVygI63emtVHFL1sJqOrw-v8xJdY8zSO-raVlDLGdCskasyJ

  8. I still have the same issue. Was anyone able to get rid of or find a solution?

    1. Hako, no solutions so far 🙁
      Waiting until Google itself handles the issue.

  9. Hi, this parameter caused serious problems in the measurement reports. I also suggest a solution with canonical.

  10. Crickrich Avatar

    If auto-tagging is enabled, your Analytics reports will classify traffic from Google Merchant Center with the following dimension values:

    Source platform: Shopping Free Listings
    Source: Google
    Medium: Organic
    Campaign: Shopping Free Listings
    Default Channel Group: Organic Shopping
    These values allow you to track user activity, session counts, and key events originating from organic search clicks in Google Merchant Center. Additionally, they help measure the number of clicks, key event occurrences, and total revenue attributed to these clicks.

    The srsltid parameter is added to links generated by Google Merchant Center in organic shopping results.

  11. […] Koksharov comentó en su blog que si haces una búsqueda en Google [ inurl:srsltid -intext:srsltid ], encontrarás cientos de […]

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